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Patient Care Depends on Connectivity: How To Engage Patients in their Remote Monitoring Care

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More than 88% of clinics report that patient connectivity to their remote monitoring devices are a major concern for their cardiac device clinics. Yet, with increasing patient population and ongoing staffing shortages, clinics do not have the resources to dedicate to patient compliance. One way of increasing connectivity is by focusing on educating patients on the value of remote monitoring from the start.

How do you engage a patient remotely? 

Easy-to-understand initial education, regular check-ins and reminders for scheduled transmissions help patients feel both informed and supported in their care. To keep remote patient monitoring connectivity rates high, they also need:

  • Clear understanding of when and why they should be transmitting device data
  • Resources to help them understand how to transmit that data
  • Their questions to be answered, their needs to be addressed and their expectations to be met

In addition, patients should know how to communicate issues about their cardiac device and how to seek additional resources or information. When patients are empowered with information, they are more inclined to take action.

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Need More Remote Monitoring Patient Connectivity Help?

Keep your patients engaged and connected to their at-home monitors with our Patient Connectivity Guide — an easy-to-understand resource they can use to get the most out of their life-saving medical devices.

Contact us to understand how our Patient Support Team can help your clinic achieve 93% patient connectivity.

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