Why choose Vector Remote Care?
Proven technology
Proprietary algorithms review and triage cardiac device data quickly and with exceptional accuracy.
Cardiac rhythm management industry expertise
With extensive industry experience, we understand the challenges of cardiac clinic staff and design solutions to alleviate them.
Proactive patient engagement & automated reconnection
We keep your patients engaged and on-track for their next transmission. If a patient is disconnected, our system automatically assists to reconnect them for you.
Skilled clinical support
Certified technicians ensure accurate and timely review of remote monitoring reports.
Trusted patient support
Trained patient outreach professionals provide support with a 99% CSAT rating.
Seamless EHR integration
The Vector Platform integrates seamlessly with leading device manufacturer portals and EHR systems.
Secure and compliant
Robust security features ensure HIPAA compliance and data protection.
%increase in patient connectivity in year one‡
%patient compliance§
%decrease in staff time spent reviewing transmissions*
%increase in clinic revenue§