fbpx Clinic Overview Video - Vector Remote Care

How it Works Video: Cardiac Device Clinic and Vector

Vector’s proactive remote cardiac monitoring solution combines patient support, personalized cardiac review and prioritized reporting to help you improve patient outcomes.

Remote cardiac monitoring (RCM) reduces hospitalizations and improves overall patient care. Managing patient transmissions is often overwhelming for clinic staff. Vector Remote Care’s end-to-end monitoring services and support combine proactive patient engagement, personalized cardiac expert review and analytic insight to deliver summarized, prioritized patient reports so you can focus on patients who need the most urgent care.

Our patient support team focuses on getting and keeping patients connected, from new patient onboarding to proactive troubleshooting and patient outreach for missed transmissions. The Vector Remote Care software analyzes every transmission to prioritize patient episodes and streamline clinic operations. Our in-house cardiac device experts provide clinic services, including prioritized, timely patient reporting; proactive clinic notifications; and accurate billing visibility.