Simplify cardiac device remote monitoring for everyone in your clinic
Automated workflows reduce administrative burden, centralize patient report preparation and review, and standardize billing and scheduling practices – ensuring your team finds the optimal working rhythm to enhance patient care and increase billable revenue.

Whether you implement The Vector Platform™ on its own or take advantage of our full-service model, partnering with us will help you provide more informed patient care and alleviate the burden of cardiac device data management for your whole team.
Expedite patient care
The Vector Platform generates structured report summaries and displays them with a familiar “red, yellow, green” stoplight system to help your team expedite patient care. It reduces transmission review time by nearly 92%*.
Clinically relevant reports
The platform’s proprietary feature, SmartReports, delivers automated report summaries with unparalleled accuracy – 93% Sensitivity & 94% Specificity in detecting alerts and episodes*. This ensures expedited reports are clinically relevant and actionable.
Increased patient connectivity
The automated engagement feature, PatientConnect, proactively keeps patients engaged, identifies those who are disconnected, and reconnects them for you. It can boost connectivity rates by 25% in the first year without increasing administrative burden‡.
Expand your clinical & patient support team
If you opt-in for our full-service support, our certified device technicians serve as an extension of your clinic to triage and prepare reports based on your preferred protocol. Our technicians boast 99% report audit and 98% reporting accuracy scores.§ In tandem, our dedicated patient support team – boasting a 99% CSAT rating – our team ensures your patients have the support they need when they need it.§
Review & sign-off anywhere
Enjoy the flexibility of fully-mobile report review and sign-off capabilities, enabling CIED and HF transmission review from any smart device.
Grow your clinic’s revenue, not your team’s workload
The platform centralizes scheduling and billing procedures, ensuring no missed billing windows. This can increase billable revenue by an annual average of nearly 70%.§
Seamless EHR integration
Sync with your EHR and manufacturer portals for up-to-date data access and exchange.
Advanced security protocols ensure a secure cloud infrastructure. Our expert security team will align with your IT team to meet all clinic security standards.

Clinic staff
Leave the administrative work to our comprehensive software solution, so you focus on delivering informed patient care.
Expedite patient care
The Vector Platform automatically generates report summaries and displays them with a familiar “red, yellow, green” stoplight system to help you expedite patient care and reclaim your time. It can reduce your transmission review time by nearly 92%*.
Comprehensive & centralized report preparation
The platform’s SmartReports feature does the heavy lifting of collecting and triaging patient transmissions for you, allowing you to quickly review and prep each report for provider sign-off and billing from a single, convenient location.
Intuitive, easy-to-learn user interface
The platform’s simple interface is easy to master with minimal learning curve. Dashboard analytics offer critical clinic insights at a glance, while intuitive navigation menus guide you through clinic and patient information. Comprehensive in-platform tools make preparing each report for provider review and sign-off a breeze.
Automated patient engagement & reconnection
The automated engagement and patient reconnection feature, PatientConnect, leverages automated communications to proactively keep patients engaged, while also identifying those who are disconnected and reconnecting them for you.
Full-service support for you and your patients
Opting for our full-service support, you’ll gain assistance from our certified technicians who act as an extension of your clinical team, while our dedicated patient support team ensures your patients have the individualized support they need.
EHR integration
The Vector Platform syncs with your EHR and cardiac device manufacturer portals, eliminating repetitive data entry into multiple systems.
Simplified billing & scheduling
Billable device reports are clearly labeled, helping you stay on track of every billing cycle.

Clinic administrator
Our secure software solution is specifically designed to serve the unique needs of cardiac device clinics of every size and configuration and scale with your clinic as your patient population grows.
Improve continuity of care
Fast, accurate report prioritization combined with automated patient engagement and reconnection helps keep every patient connected to their cardiac device for continuous care.
Reduced patient readmissions
Identifying disconnected patients and clinically-actionable alerts early helps keep patients out of the hospital.
Access data on demand
Track clinic productivity, patient connectivity, revenue growth, and patient population metrics to guide resource allocation decisions and improve administrative processes.
Increase billable revenue
The system helps care teams quickly and efficiently standardize billing protocols and track billing status to optimize efficiency and revenue.
Future-proof solution
The Vector Platform easily adapts to evolving technology and can seamlessly scale to meet the demands of a quickly increasing patient population.
HIPAA-compliant & secure
The Vector Platform is HIPAA-compliant and SOC II, Type 2 certified to meet quality and compliance standards.
Optimize your operations
Our solutions simplify workflows, automate tedious administrative tasks associated with processing remote transmissions, and arm you with unparalleled business intelligence to optimize your operations and increase staff efficiency.
Choose the level of support you need

The Vector Platform
Our stand-alone solution offers a comprehensive, fully-automated device data management, report summary, patient engagement and reconnection software designed to help you improve clinic workflows, patient connectivity, and revenue.

The Vector Platform + Service
Combine our comprehensive software solution with robust clinic and patient support. Let our certified technicians act as an extension of your clinical team, while our dedicated patient support team—boasting a 99% CSAT rating—ensures your patients have the support they need.